Having my cake… and eating it too!

I’m two weeks in to this plexus journey and am eager to share the results.  I’m still working through the numbers and averages, but had to post this update in the meantime.

We had a dinner party for Adam’s work tonight.  The food was delicious — lots of fajitas and tortillas and bacon-wrapped jalepeno deliciousness.  There were also some killer desserts.  Now I would usually use all of my will-power to avoid these.  It would either leave me feeling deprived OR I would indulge and find later that my blood sugar was over 200.  This would result in feelings of disappointment and discouragement.  Well, tonight I made the conscious decision to have some (or maybe 1.5 servings ) of this beautiful chocolate cake with berries and whipped cream.  I mean, I didn’t want to be a rude guest.

When we got home I prepared for the test.  Pricked my finger, and saw this:


WHAT?!  For non-diabetics, under 140 2 hours post meal is considered “normal.”  A 1.5 piece-of-cake-splurge would have sent me over 200 easily.  I was so excited at this result — not because it gives me a green light to make this a pattern — but because it indicates my body is processing sugars in a more reasonable way.  VICTORY!  Full and happy tonight.

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