Monthly Archives: April 2015

May Day! May Day! Sugar High

I was slow to re-order my Plexus Slim and left a several day gap without any.  The scientist in me was eager to see how my sugars would react….

We took my husband’s high schoolers on a camping retreat.  At 29 weeks pregnant, I was only expected to come and corral our two children and had very few “duties.”  Usually I like to be in the kitchen for events like this but that was assigned to other parents.  The breakfast menu was (sugar) cereal, whole milk, and bananas. This is a bit different than my normal “green” protein smoothie and eggs, but I’m a sucker for cereal and I was camping-hungry (you know what I mean), so I had two bowls of cereal (one honey nut cheerios and one cinnamon toast crunch).  It was glorious.

KEEP IN MIND THIS IS WITHOUT PLEXUS SLIM IN MY SYSTEM- IT HAD BEEN THREE DAYS SINCE LAST DOSE.  An hour later on our hike I felt funny.  Took my blood sugar:  225.  Then another hour later (the classic “2 hours post” reading):  335.  335!?!?!?!  The last time I saw a number over 300 was during my glucose tolerance test.  This is enough to send pre-diabetic into a fit of worry.  I looked at Adam and said “Experiment over, I’m starting back on Plexus tomorrow.”

So there you have it – evidence during my “on” month and evidence during my 3-day gap.  I think I’ll just stick with it now.

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Month in review

I wanted to jot down some of the objective and subjective things I’ve noticed during my first month on Plexus Slim.  First for the cold hard facts:


30-day average glucose before Plexus: 121
90-day average glucose before Plexus: 117

Caveat- these are pretty good averages…. but they were achieved through strict diet control.  As I mentioned a few times in my previous posts, I took a few “chances” on Plexus Slim to see how my sugars would respond.

30-day average glucose after Plexus: 109
90-day average glucose after Plexus: 111

Also, my fasting glucose was never above 100 with Plexus slim.  Before Slim I would bounce around under and over 100.  Doctors consider you pre-diabetic when you’re in the range of 100-125.  There were many times I would be in this range before Plexus but never after. Also, I noted some of the post-meal glucoses I recorded with foods that typically sent me well into a “high blood sugar” range.  With Plexus those numbers weren’t nearly as inflated and were often within normal bounds.


I feel like Plexus Slim gives me the ability to choose my foods more wisely.  I am a night-time snacker, and not typically on carrot sticks or the like.  I prefer carbs, and especially things like cereal or ice cream.  I would typically deny myself these things but substitute snack on other things and end up in a similar (high blood sugar) boat.  I would often finish a meal and start thinking about what I was going to snack on.

With Plexus, I have seen that I often get in bed and think “wow – I haven’t snacked since dinner” OR if I do get hungry I’m able to make a conscious, wise food choice.  I’m excited to have Plexus Slim as part of my health plan!  Please message me or email me if you want to learn more!

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